The Light on the Mount Christian Bookshop Project: BOOKS Plus – is a unique venture bringing good news to the heart of a busy university hospital. It aims to enhance the caring environment provided by the hospital for patients, visitors and staff through the establishment and running of an attractive, encouraging and caring retail outlet of Christian and general interest books, and related goods.
Distinctive High Quality Shop
We have been able to open BOOKS Plus in the superb retail concourses at the University Hospital of Wales and the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and for 6 years, in the East Outpatients of the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. Whilst in keeping with its high quality surroundings, the shops are absolutely distinct in their contribution to the hundreds of thousands of patients, relatives and staff who pass and enter every year.
The Literature Speaks for Itself
The hard issues of life arising from being in hospital can sometimes cause people to question the core of what they believe, and while we don’t claim to have all the answers, we feel sure that some of them can be found among the books on sale. Our approach is not to preach but to let the literature speak for itself.
A Resource for the Hospital
BOOKS Plus is a resource for everyone connected with the hospital whether searching for a gift or something deeper. At the heart of our activity is an acknowledgement that in life’s best and worst moments – whatever may bring someone into hospital – God is with us. He is the God who loves us and has shown that love in his Son by sharing with us the pleasures and pains of human life.